Coaching & Lessons
We are truly passionate about Archery. Cameron is our primary coach and has a deep background in coaching the shooting sports and many other sports. Whether you are just curious about Archery or an experienced archer that wants to get to that next level, we are here to help!
We focus on Safety, Proper Form, Mental Processes, but most of all we focus on having FUN in Archery! Reach out to us to schedule a time to come in and learn more about Archery!
Intro to Archery
Come in and learn Archery 101 with Traditional Archery Equipment. Our Goal is to teach you how to shoot bows Safely and have fun!
Initial Coaching & Evaluation
If you are already a Traditional or Compound Archer and want to get a few tips and tricks to improve your shot, come in and setup an initial evaluation of your shot process.
$30/Half Hour Evaluation
Hourly Coaching
Once we have evaluated your current progress in Archery, we will use hourly coaching to review and add to your skills as an Archer.
$65/Full Hour Coaching
Customized Programs
If you have the goal of getting to the next level in archery. Whether that is in Competitive Archery, Hunting, or Daily Target Shooting, then we can develop a goal based plan that is designed specifically for your needs.
$ Program Based